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Acompanhe nossas redes:
Como Criar Identidades Visuais para Marcas de Sucesso
Less is More: Limited Colour Graphics in Design
200 Best Packaging Design worldwide 2017/2018
Palette No. 06: Transparent Translucency in Design
Box It Up
Creative Bags
Paper Play
The Art of Package Design
Fancy Packaging – CD-Rom incluso
Fun Packaging
Communicating Fashion Brands – Garment, Beauty, Accessory
Hello, Mr. Package!
Packaging Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Creating Packages
Advanced Packaging – CD-Rom incluso
Plant Graphics
Special Packaging – CD-Rom incluso
P.O.P Design Collection
Pantone Premium Metallic Guide – GG1405
Package Design
Less Is More – Graphic Design
Unpack Me!
Pluswine: The Best and More Original Label Wines of the World
Visual Arts of the Liquid Packaging
Retail Shopping Bags
Fancy Packaging – CD-Rom incluso
Around Europe Packaging
H2O Water Package Design
200 Best Packaging Design Worldwide 2010/2011
Package Design in Italy – Phase One
The Big Book of Bags, Tags, and Labels
1000 Bags, Tags, and Labels: Distinctive Designs for Every Industry
Beauty and Healthcare Package Design
American Corporate Identity 2009
American Corporate Identity 2008
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