ARCHIVE Issue 227


Editora: Lürzer’s Archive
Autor: Lürzer’s Archive
Páginas: 200
ISSN: 1727-3218


Agências Brasileiras Selecionadas:

Print:  AlmapBBDO/São Paulo-SP, Artplan/São Paulo-SP, Mirum/Curitiba-PR, Fosbury/Cascavel-PR, David/São Paulo-SP, Tech & Soul/São Paulo-SP, Camisa 10/Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Fire Comunicação/Vitória-ES.

Digital:  AlmapBBDO/São Paulo-SP, Ogilvy/São Paulo-SP.

Film:  David/São Paulo-SP, Artplan/São Paulo-SP, Usina Creative/Salvador-BA, AlmapBBDO/São Paulo-SP.


Lürzer’s Archive 227 has a seasonal freshness, from the green field intervention on the cover to entertaining reviews at the back. Key interviews with three top CCOs – Chris Beresford-Hill, Tim Hawkey and Valerie Madon – each come with their inspiration lists, while our provocative uniting of Sports+Health in the special features a host of expert creative strategy insights. Plus 100+ pages of the latest Archive acquisitions!